Saturday, 25 August 2012

Just Cards

Hello I haven't done any posts recently or entered any challenges as I don't seem to have had much spare time.  We have had some work done on the house and are still continuing to do so which involves making lots of cups of tea and baking numerous cakes plus moving things around in the house for the building works.

I have had some personal cards to make as above, the top one is a birthday card for my friend Sue.  Sue makes cards with me and we meet once a week alternating our houses and make cards, watching craft programmes on tv and having tea and cakes which is very nice.

The wedding card is one my husband asked me to make for the professional at his golf club (he did ask me the night before the wedding so it was a very last minute thing).  However, I understand the card was well received.

My elder granddaughter has just gained a place at university in Istanbul and  we are so very proud of her and I am in the process of making a congratulations card for her and her friend who has also gained a university place, I will put these on my blog as soon as they are finished.  We are going to Turkey soon so I can deliver them in person.  While we are there my son and his girlfriend are getting married out there and it will be lovely that we can all be together for that occasion so I'm very much looking forward to it.

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